1: 1. Avoid throwing anything overboard. 2. Do not smoke on the balcony. 3. Never hang anything on the rails.

2: 4. Keep the balcony door closed at night. 5. Do not feed seagulls or other wildlife. 6. Avoid using drones or other flying devices.

3: 7. Never climb or stand on the balcony rails. 8. Avoid loud music or noise after hours. 9. Do not tamper with safety features.

4: 10. Keep all personal belongings secured. 11. Do not throw items to other balconies. 12. Avoid using the balcony during rough seas.

5: 13. Be cautious when using candles or open flames. 14. Do not disturb other guests with excessive noise. 15. Avoid leaning over the railings.

6: 16. Do not leave children unattended on the balcony. 17. Avoid hanging wet towels or clothing to dry. 18. Never use the balcony for cooking or grilling.

7: 19. Be mindful of the privacy of neighboring balconies. 20. Do not overcrowd the balcony with furniture. 21. Avoid throwing any objects into the ocean.

8: 22. Ensure all balcony doors are securely locked. 23. Do not sit or stand on the balcony furniture. 24. Exercise caution during inclement weather.

9: 25. Avoid smoking or vaping on the balcony. 26. Do not engage in any risky behavior. 27. Respect the rules and guidelines set by the cruise line.