1: Discover the story of two rare dimes and a rare bicentennial quarter worth 90 million dollars each.

2: Learn how these valuable coins ended up in circulation, waiting to be found by lucky collectors.

3: Explore the features that make these dimes and quarter so unique and sought after by numismatists.

4: Find out the history behind these rare coins and the potential value they hold for lucky discoverers.

5: Uncover the secrets of these elusive coins and the rare qualities that make them worth 90 million dollars each.

6: Dive into the world of coin collecting and the thrill of discovering valuable treasures in everyday circulation.

7: Follow the trail of these rare dimes and bicentennial quarter as collectors search for them in circulation.

8: Join the hunt for these valuable coins as collectors across the country hope to strike it rich with their discovery.

9: Get ready to be amazed by the rarity and value of these two dimes and bicentennial quarter still in circulation.