1: 1. Siamese Cats 2. Maine Coon 3. Ragdoll 4. Abyssinian

2: 5. Burmese 6. Scottish Fold 7. Tonkinese 8. Sphynx

3: 9. Birman 10. British Shorthair 11. Bombay 12. Oriental

4: 13. American Shorthair 14. Turkish Angora 15. Russian Blue 16. Manx

5: 17. Bengal 18. Devon Rex 19. Chartreux 20. Cornish Rex

6: 21. Himalayan 22. Japanese Bobtail 23. Norwegian Forest 24. Russian White

7: 25. Singapura 26. Somali 27. Turkish Van 28. Siamese

8: 29. Domestic Shorthair 30. Exotic Shorthair 31. Balinese 32. Javanese

9: 33. Selkirk Rex 34. American Bobtail 35. Munchkin 36. Scottish Fold (Note: each page has a maximum of 35 words on the topic "The Most Trainable Cat Breeds for New Owners")