1: Angel Hernandez's controversial calls divided fans and players alike, but his passion for the game was undeniable.

2: From infamous missed strikes to close outs, Hernandez's umpiring career had its ups and downs.

3: Despite the criticisms, Hernandez's career includes memorable moments from iconic games.

4: Hernandez's retirement marks the end of an era in baseball officiating.

5: Fans may remember Hernandez for his presence on the field, whether loved or loathed.

6: While some may not miss his calls, Hernandez leaves a lasting impact on the sport.

7: From heated arguments to game-changing decisions, Hernandez's legacy is undeniable.

8: As one chapter closes, baseball fans reflect on Hernandez's career with mixed emotions.

9: Regardless of opinions, Angel Hernandez's retirement marks the end of an era in baseball umpiring.